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Setting the mood

on February 13, 2013

Isn’t that a big Valentine’s Day theme? What mood do you expect on that day? For some it will be romance for others it will th excitement of a sugar rush as visions of chocolates dance in their heads. For some it will be a time of remembrance of special loves from the past or of a future love one hopes to have this time next year. Whatever the mood is it is one set by the colors and one’s notion of the holiday.Why can’t every day be like a holiday mood? Must we have a special reason to set the mood?

Today was a day filled with last-minute grant writing and play practice. The mood was not festive because I allowed myself to get caught up in the rush of details not the excitement of accomplishment as the deadline approached. I got caught up in the doubts and “oh, no” thoughts. Why did I do that? That stick’en think’en crawled its way back into the moment which set the mood. I noticed it tried to creep its way into the reading session at play practice. Once I saw I was dwelling in the negative I stopped briefly to taken the positive laughter and vibes of those around me. YES!! it can happen. I captured their mood and pulled it in to push out the stink’en think’en. The mood doesn’t always have to be about me setting it, it can be from others if i allow it to seep in. Surrounding myself with the positive totally changed my outlook as well as the quality of performance I was able to project. Even though my character is a stink’en think’en sort for the most part, it doesn’t mean I have to be.

I hope you find a positive mood to set for tomorrow. If life is throwing you frustrations then take a moment to find some positive to surround yourself in. Facebook always seems to have an endless supply of giggle posts so pop in. Spend sometime around funny people. Turn on a mood setter some “Don’t worry, be Happy!” is always a great one. Think you will find tasks less troublesome if you find that happy mood rocking in your life.

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