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The body part farm

on February 21, 2013
Cover of "Gross Grub (Kidbacks)"

Cover of Gross Grub (Kidbacks)

Not every day one is asked to procure a brain and other body parts, unless you design sets and props. But when I was asked, it was a giggle moment. I am also the queen of Halloween so my stock pile of gross things is ever-growing. My talent to create props plus my love of all things Halloween set me up for the task of procuring these lab of horrors for an upcoming spring production of  Young Frankenstein. Admit to being up to the challenge as well as delighted that my skills and hobbies led to me being highly sought out for the task. Not just anyone has a jar of eyeballs and ears about the house.

As a former teacher it was always fun to bring in such to the classroom. I tended to go towards the edible sorts having the students join me in creating the annual “Gross Grub” feast. But gross grub specialities have been in the family recipe books for years. I especially love making the peanutbutter and white chocolate eye balls

The gross grub meal has been a Halloween tradition in my family since my son was 5 years old. I had a hard time getting him to eat healthy. But as we know many 5-year-old boys are in to the total gross bit so out of that came forth the gross grub meals. We had “worms in the mud” which were cut hot dogs in baked beans. We had “litter box delight” which was nothing more than cheese rice with extended home-made meatballs shaped like… well, what is often found in litter boxes. A favorite is “finger foods” which are sometimes biscuits or carrot sticks, etc, cut and shapes like fingers to be dipped in a variety of dips. I have a special recipe for nuclear dip which is green and kind of glows. If you are not on the creative side then just add green food coloring to just about anything. It makes it look gross and usually will be gobbled up quickly.

Check out the book posted if you are interested in preparing some interesting and gross meals. Have tried them all over the years to which I can say they are all quite tastey as well as a shocking visual to the eye.

I learned quick how to get the veggies in without a notice. These ideas are not on the visual gross side but the content is often thought of as gross by kids. I put spinach in lasagna or any Italian dish. Often in sweet potato recipes I will add carrots as well. Just grind up the offending icky veggies and place in sauces to mask the green color and the kids will never know the difference. Then after a few years break the news that they have eaten such and delight in the faces they make when they realize they have munched down on those icky veggies for years. Bahaaaahaaaa!!!!

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